Mr. Hammond, I think we’re back in business!

It’s official.

I’m back on the market.

Well, the book is. RETURN TO ME is officially back on Amazon and Barnes and Noble as of right now. I’m working on getting it put back up on all the places but it’s taking me some time. I’m new at doing this all myself, and it’s been quite the learning experience, to say the least. Anyway, back to the book.

I’m so happy to announce that RETURN TO ME has had a mommy makeover, and she’s looking good. It’s been edited, fixed, plot holes have been filled in, and momma is looking beautiful!

Amazon Barnes & Noble

And, as always, authors depend on your reviews, so if you loved it, please help out your authors by telling them so. We appreciate you!

Coming Soon to a Shelf Near You – RETURN TO ME (fantasy romance)

Hey, readers!

As you may know… and if not, well, now you do….. my very own romance novel RETURN TO ME has been picked up by EsKape Press.  I just received my new shiny… the gorgeous cover, designed by Elaina Lee.  Oh, the yummy goodness, my friends. Without further ado, I present to you….


ReturntoMe 453x680


The only thing worse than loving the enemy is trying to live without him.

Archaean bounty hunter Marek Coinnich isn’t particularly fond of Engels. In fact, after generations of endless war with the neighboring people, he prefers them dead. But to save his injured brother, he must enter the manor of an Engel enemy. Marek finds himself enthralled by the slave girl nursing his brother back to health. When his enchantment with her lands them both in a compromising position, he refuses to let the young beauty pay for the misunderstanding with her life.

Brynn of Galhaven prefers to keep to the shadows. When she is ruined by an outsider, she barely escapes with her life and finds herself left alone in an unforgiving land. Through her struggles to survive, Brynn discovers a world she never imagined, and never forgets the enemy Archaean who stole her heart.

Marek can’t deny his desire for Brynn, but these are wartimes, and she is the enemy. And though love knows no prejudice, the world in which he lives isn’t nearly as forgiving.


BUY LINKS COMING SOON…  but in the mean time, want to get in on the goodness early? MacKinnon’s Rebels & Rogues Street Team is looking for a few good readers like you! I’m currently looking for some super awesome reading fans who would be willing to leave me a review in return for receiving my newest release RETURN TO ME for FREE, 2-4 weeks before its release date. You’ll also be eligible for prizes, free books, gift cards, etc. The slots are very limited, so if you are interested, please fill out this quick and easy form!

More info here!


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8.11.13 #wewriwa #8sunday: RETURN TO ME #fantasyromance

*It saddens me to announce that today will be my last WWW post for a few weeks.  My edits are behind schedule, and I’m not allowed to post any more until I hear more about the release date.  Thank you all so much for following me every week!


Welcome readers! And for my fellow authors, whether you’re here from Weekend Writing Warriors (WeWriWa, also known as the new 8 Sentence Sunday) or from the Snippet Sunday FB group, I’m thrilled you’ve joined me.  This week’s snippet comes from RETURN TO ME, my fantasy romance currently in the clutches of my amazing editor. You can read the blurb here.

Tempting trouble, Brynn has ventured into the dark to find something to eat in the kitchen. After crashing into the counter, the warriors have found her, and have her cornered, and in their hold. Marek releases her, and Brynn returns to her room, only……


On step twenty-three she heard the rustling again, this time very near. Within an instant, Brynn felt a strong pressure against her chest. Flinging her hands to the sides, she struggled to keep her footing. Brynn called out to the shadows. “Show yourself!”

Another direct push.

Brynn scraped her fingernails against the stone and strained to keep upright. She could see herself falling.



Thanks for stopping by! I thank each and every one of you who follow me and comment week in and week out.  Your support has been greatly appreciated. For more great author awesomeness, please check out these amazing authors at Weekend Writing Warriors!


8.04.13 #wewriwa #8sunday: RETURN TO ME #fantasyromance

Welcome readers! And for my fellow authors, whether you’re here from Weekend Writing Warriors (WeWriWa, also known as the new 8 Sentence Sunday) or from the Snippet Sunday FB group, I’m thrilled you’ve joined me.  This week’s snippet comes from RETURN TO ME, my fantasy romance currently in the clutches of my amazing editor. You can read the blurb here.

Tempting trouble, Brynn has ventured into the dark to find something to eat in the kitchen. After crashing into the counter, the warriors have found her, and have her cornered, and in their hold.


“Please do not hurt me, I beg of you.” Then, realizing he did not understand the plea, Brynn looked for the warrior, Marek.

Marek approached his comrade, then shoved him away from Brynn.

Released, she recovered her footing, and then made her escape over the threshold.

Brynn slowed to a fast-paced walk when she was sure no one followed. Drying her cheeks with the sleeve of her robe, she sucked in a deep breath to calm herself. The abrasive stone of the manor walls was cold and familiar against her palms as she slid her hands over the rough surface. The corner stone beneath her fingers indicated she had reached the stairs to her bedchamber. 



Thanks for stopping by! I thank each and every one of you who follow me and comment week in and week out.  Your support has been greatly appreciated. For more great author awesomeness, please check out these amazing authors at Weekend Writing Warriors!


7.28.13 #wewriwa #8sunday: RETURN TO ME #fantasyromance

Welcome readers! And for my fellow authors, whether you’re here from Weekend Writing Warriors (WeWriWa, also known as the new 8 Sentence Sunday) or from the Snippet Sunday FB group, I’m thrilled you’ve joined me.  This week’s snippet comes from RETURN TO ME, my fantasy romance currently in the clutches of my amazing editor. You can read the blurb here.

to Brynn has escaped from the Archaean’s, who think she is a slave girl.  She’s returned to her room, only to find she can’t sleep.  She’s too hungry.  Tempting trouble, she ventures into the dark to find something to eat in the kitchen. Seeing the warriors in the kitchen, she tries to slip in unnoticed…but crashes into a cart and they see her.

Blackfriars Banquet Hall (low res)


Brynn tangled in the excess fabric of her robe. They had spotted her, and would now slice her through, or…worse. The injured one had already expressed interest in wanting her. Fear of what he wanted to do to her raced with frantic thoughts. Reaching above, Brynn dug her fingers into the counter and hoisted herself from the floor. She sprinted for the door before the Archaean’s had a chance to contemplate the situation. The element of surprise had worked in her favor before.

As Brynn turned, one of the men was upon her.  



Thanks for stopping by! I thank each and every one of you who follow me and comment week in and week out.  Your support has been greatly appreciated. For more great author awesomeness, please check out these amazing authors at Weekend Writing Warriors!


7.21.13 #wewriwa #8sunday: RETURN TO ME #fantasyromance

Welcome readers! And for my fellow authors, whether you’re here from Weekend Writing Warriors (WeWriWa, also known as the new 8 Sentence Sunday) or from the Snippet Sunday FB group, I’m thrilled you’ve joined me.  This week’s snippet comes from RETURN TO ME, my fantasy romance currently in the clutches of my amazing editor. You can read the blurb here.

to Brynn has escaped from the Archaean’s, who think she is a slave girl.  She’s returned to her room, only to find she can’t sleep.  She’s too hungry.  Tempting trouble, she ventures into the dark to find something to eat in the kitchen.

Blackfriars Banquet Hall (low res)


Brynn approached, edging her head around the corner.

Sitting around a large table were the four Archaean warriors. They drank freely from wine goblets and munched on the bread and meats set aside for breakfast. One leaned in close and spoke several words, causing the others to lean back into their chairs, roaring with laughter. One tossed a chunk of bread in the jokester’s direction, hitting him in the face. The jokester grabbed the bread and stood, reached across the table and attempted to stuff it down the other’s throat. The wounded warrior kicked his feet up onto the table, chuckling.

Lowering to her hands and knees, Brynn crawled through the door and hid behind a bench-style counter laden with fruits, vegetables and cheeses—she needed only to reach up and grab what she could. 



Thanks for stopping by! I thank each and every one of you who follow me and comment week in and week out.  Your support has been greatly appreciated. For more great author awesomeness, please check out these amazing authors at Weekend Writing Warriors!


7.14.13 #wewriwa #8sunday: RETURN TO ME #fantasyromance

Welcome readers! And for my fellow authors, whether you’re here from Weekend Writing Warriors (WeWriWa, also known as the new 8 Sentence Sunday) or from the Snippet Sunday FB group, I’m thrilled you’ve joined me.  This week’s snippet comes from RETURN TO ME, my fantasy romance currently in the clutches of my amazing editor. You can read the blurb here.

After being confronted in the stables, Brynn has fled to the safety of her home.  Later that evening, she and her brother, Michael, have gone to see to the injured warrior.  She has just looked at the wound and stitched it up.



“He says you would be most useful to have after battle.”

Brynn looked at the imposing figure in the shadows. “Tell him…thank you.”

The brothers spoke to each other in the thick brogue of their country, the tone harsh and troublesome. The injured brother pointed at her insistently. Brynn stepped away from her place between the two brothers and sought the door.

With a definite scowl present, Marek turned to Michael. “He wants to know, how much for the slave girl?”



Thanks for stopping by! I thank each and every one of you who follow me and comment week in and week out.  Your support has been greatly appreciated. For more great author awesomeness, please check out these amazing authors at Weekend Writing Warriors!


7.07.13 #wewriwa #8sunday: RETURN TO ME #fantasyromance

Welcome readers! And for my fellow authors, whether you’re here from Weekend Writing Warriors (WeWriWa, also known as the new 8 Sentence Sunday) or from the Snippet Sunday FB group, I’m thrilled you’ve joined me.  This week’s snippet comes from RETURN TO ME, my fantasy romance currently in the clutches of my amazing editor. You can read the blurb here.

Brynn is captivated by this Archaean stranger in her home. She is tending to his injured brother. This week we continue with the story of Brynn and her Archaean warrior.  She’s finished dressing the wounded warrior and has sought shelter in the stables–away from the commotion. Marek has followed her there.



She sang until a crouched figure in the shadows caught her attention. Brynn stopped in her tracks, her eyes wide.

The two stared at each other in silence.

Brynn told her body to run, to seek the safety of the manor, but her legs would not budge. Her heart pounded. A scream stuck in her throat. In one fluid motion, he rose to his full height. His arms hung at his sides, his fingers splayed away from his body. 



Thanks for stopping by! I thank each and every one of you who follow me and comment week in and week out.  Your support has been greatly appreciated. For more great author awesomeness, please check out these amazing authors at Weekend Writing Warriors!


6.30.13 #wewriwa #8sunday: RETURN TO ME #fantasyromance

Welcome readers! And for my fellow authors, whether you’re here from Weekend Writing Warriors (WeWriWa, also known as the new 8 Sentence Sunday) or from the Snippet Sunday FB group, I’m thrilled you’ve joined me.  This week’s snippet comes from RETURN TO ME, my fantasy romance currently in the clutches of my amazing editor. You can read the blurb here.

Brynn is captivated by this Archaean stranger in her home. She is tending to his injured brother. This week we continue with the same excerpt as last week.  If you need to catch up, the post can be found here. (I really want to say…. and now, the continuation of Hell’s Kitchen…. ha)

gb long hair



His eyes were blue—a deep, sapphire blue, like the sea on a summer’s day. Brynn had never before seen such a splendid color. Humbled, she hung her head and whispered, “Yes, sir.”

Her attitude was quite out of line. She overstepped her bounds, letting her mouth run away with her again. The sheer size of the Archaean standing before her unsettled her stomach, but yet, something soft reflected in his eyes. “I shall do what I can,” she breathed, transfixed by the unwavering beauty hidden beneath the layers of concern and sadness on the Archaean’s face.



Thanks for you for stopping by! I thank each and every one of you who follow me and comment week in and week out.  Your support has been greatly appreciated. For more great author awesomeness, please check out these amazing authors at Weekend Writing Warriors!
